"If the world were good for nothing else, it is a fine subject for speculation. "

William Hazlitt

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Budget Crisis

I though when I started writing a blog that it would be so easy! I mean how had can it be to write about something you feel passionate about?
well I was wrong it turns out that even though I am really passionate about getting out of debt and making our present and our future as a family even brighter, I still find it hard to think of something to write about.
some weeks seem to come and go with no significant change to the norm and no straying from the budget just plain old boring routine. But this week I thought that it would be the same old same old again and mostly it will be I think but for one or two things.

See last week even though I have taken monetary access off my lovely husband he still manages to spend more then is allocated to him. I think I have to call the bank and change the over draw feature of his key card!
I was also going to buy these curtains that I have been eyeing off for like ever from ikea, but as I got to the register and popped into the asis section I found the perfect single bed for toddler mister Harry and it was reduced from $358 to $49 so back go the curtains till I can find another spare $50.
I am also planing a trip to see my family in Sydney with my mum and the three kids.
the tickets are paid for and the accommodation is free as we are staying with family. But there are things like food and a trip to the zoo that has to be paid for along with any other expeditions that come up along the way. So here is the dilemma how do I stick to the budget for the next few weeks but save up for the week in Sydney and then whilst in Sydney how do I still stick to the weekly budget?
I also have to save about $1000 for a family holiday in December, I have to pay for Christmas and all that entails, we also have one little girls fourth birthday to tend to in September. Oh and don't forget the redgo in September as well Yay!
Now I am not entirely sure how I am going to pay for all of this and keep the budget going when the budget is still in the red ! Now there will be a tax refund but who the hell knows what they will be getting back or when and there is also the child care tax rebate that come in quartally so I should get at least two of them before Christmas I think but I do not want to count on these things unless I am desperate as you just don't know when or if they are coming or exactly how much they will be!

so short of a miracle I am not sure how this is going to work! But stay tuned and I guess we will find out together!
