"If the world were good for nothing else, it is a fine subject for speculation. "

William Hazlitt

Monday, June 14, 2010

No money for you !!!!

I am sorry it has taken so log between blogs! It has been a crazy few weeks and I know that is a lame excuse but that's it, that's all I can say.

Now I have been trying to get our household budget under control and get us heading towards the black again.

This has been an extremely hard task considering our out goings are more then our in comings and the fact that I am married to a man that if there is money there then it will burn a hole in his pocket ( so to speak) till he spends it.

So to over come this hurdle I am taking control of all the family money, this includes his income and all family tax benefits and every cent that comes in or out of our hands. Yes that means I am taking his key cards off him and changing all passwords to something he could never guess. I know this sounds harsh, but we had a four hour heated discussion last week about how the budget will not work and how I am living in dream land if I think for one second it will work for us. So I am getting in the trenches and hauling this family out of debt single handedly, meanwhile I will be doing my usually house work and keeping the family fed and cleaned and I will also be job hunting, to add to the funds. See whilst I am trying to achieve all this I am also trying to start a business and make new friends and catch up with the old. I guess now I know why the octopus was created.

Okay, so task one done! I have taken accsses of hubby and it now all lies with me!
(CRAP! what was I thinking?)
I know this will work eventually but somehow I need to prove this to hubby soon.
see at least once a week we have a rather heated discussion about this issue and quiet frankly I am sick of hitting my head against a brick wall all time.

My next task is to open up a bills account and a savings account so that I can put money into both all be it not allot but something so that one day when hubby goes "I would like to get a new TV or new tyres for the car"
Then I can go "well lets do it today the money is there so why not "
so that is the first task I would like to accomplish the next would have to be
find a job I guess!
While I don't particular want to go back to work I need to inject more funds into the budget so until I find a better way to do this I will have to keep searching for the right job for me and the family.
My other goal is keep working on my business.
I am a qualified pasrty chef and I love making birthday cakes and wedding cakes so if any of you out there in blog land are having either of these things or you just feel like getting your self something special then head over to my website www.asliceofindulgence.com.au

Now that I have got that plug in here I better head off and do some much dreaded house work so I shall chat to all real soon (I


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