"If the world were good for nothing else, it is a fine subject for speculation. "

William Hazlitt

Friday, May 14, 2010

Okay! It's Saturday morning and the kids are all out playing in the back yard and hubby is sound asleep in bed after a late night, I am trying to work out a menu for the rest of the week and write a grocery list, but I find this task rather difficult as I am scared I am going to miss something and then because I have spent the budget I will just have to make do, or what if I don't get enough stuff for the week and we find ourselves short a meal or two?
I know the right answer to this is Beth don't be so silly you have been buying the groceries now for how long?
I know that I am over reacting but this could make or break our whole budget!

Meanwhile, why I hesitate to get the groceries the money in the bank is dwindling fast and I don't know where it is going, do bank accounts get holes in them?
If this whole budget thing is going to work I think I am going to have to grow a pair of ( excuse the saying!) balls!!

Okay so my to do list for today is as follows:

  • Clean out second fridge and turn it off
  • Finish all the washing ( damn! out of laundry powder, crap that means I have to do the shopping first! :( )
  • Grocery shopping

on top of the normal house work and feeding the kids( and hubby!) and keeping them all from killing each other. Somebody remind me what a weekend is again!

Sorry its only a short one today but I just felt the need to have a whinge!!!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!


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