"If the world were good for nothing else, it is a fine subject for speculation. "

William Hazlitt

Sunday, May 23, 2010

This morning I have been looking for inspiration! See for a little while now I have felt a little unfulfilled I guess.

I have felt that there is a part of myself that has not yet seen the light of day!

For reasons that I am not sure are great excuses anymore.

Whilst the money is still a large issue, one of my other excuses was what if I no longer fit in?

Well the one of two things that pop into my mind is (something my mothers cousin is famous for,) A forehead slap directed straight at me!

The other is something one of the lovely ladies told me when I was attending a course (that I think every stay at home mum should attend) Run by the Wise foundation called buziness babes, one of the little tasks we had to do throughout the course was to write down a goal we had set ourselves and achieved, I had originally written down finishing my pastry chef apprenticeship, and whilst i am proud of achieving this while everyone had started to share there goals I had the urge to change mine and I placed my hand up to share it immediately my goal was throughout the whole course I had to be myself and I didn't care what people thought of me, but I had to do it for myself! and I had ! so that's what I was proud of, and one of the many lovely ladies sitting next to me turned to me and said " And we all like you anyway!" well at that I nearly cried !

Any way back to my point I had lost sight of that a little and gone back into being the Beth for everyone else and not myself.

So my plan for the next month is to be myself and do things that I like and don't care what anyone thinks about it or me for that matter.

I am going to spend my ten dollars a week of personal spending money that is allocated to me in our budget on stuff I love and not just on cheap magazines and junk.

So look out second hand shops around Brisbane I have money and will spend it!

Talk to you all soon!


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